Can you believe

• On a dull winter’s day, a woman returned home by car after making a couple of pit stops in Knowlton. As she removed her coat, she realized to her dismay, that her tennis bracelet was missing.This had been given to her about twenty years previously by dear friends in Florida and she had been sentimentally attached to it ever since. She climbed back into her car and retraced her steps to the nearby community mailboxes. As she stopped the vehicle, a ray of sunshine burst through the clouds and shone on the missing bracelet lying in the snow. Her heart pounded with joy and relief.

• A couple decided to take a car drive outside their village and go for a walk on an unknown trail. After a pleasant hike and being aware that the 8 p.m. curfew must not be ignored, they turned back with well over two hours to spare. Suddenly, they felt the car bumping and vibrating and soon realized that they had a flat. Taking out the spare tire, they were faced with another issue, the lock nut key was not in the glove compartment where it was meant to be. They could not change the tire without it. A call for a tow truck revealed that it would be at least a one hour wait and, on top of that, the driver was not allowed to let them in his cab because of COVID-19. Reminiscent of their youth, they relied on a call to Mom, who rapidly drove to the rescue. They abandoned the car, planning to return the next morning with the appropriate lock nut key. Mom got them home with only one minute to spare. The joys of the constraints of COVID-19.

• The COVID effect is being felt by this column as the author no longer has access to her “informants” when she is out-and-about. Tempo is counting on you to tell them about any “weird and wonderful” happenings at: 450-242-2400 or