Letters: June 2017

TBL high speed internet survey

It’s truly a shame that the leadership of the Town of Brome Lake doesn’t have a better understanding of statistical data collection methods and analysis.

If they did, they would understand that no assessment of the level of support for imposing a new tax or fee to support the build out of high speed internet can be ascertained by the flawed survey they conducted.

In a nutshell, the town failed to collect ANY information about who responded (and who didn’t – what experts in social data collection and analysis call nonresponse), and then the town imagined that those who did respond were somehow representative of the town. Because they did not ask for any background data (age, full time versus part-time resident, landlord, income levels, etc), and did not follow up on nonrespondents, we literally have no idea how to assess the so-called “non-response bias” and must not assume that this is a non-biased group of respondents.

The town seems to want to claim that those who did not respond WOULD respond in the same general way as those who did. This is unlikely at best, and an example of basic statistical ignorance. I recommend that the town solicit input from social science researchers before they design and conduct any further inquiries into what projects the residents and property owners in our community are willing to pay for in terms of more taxes and fees.

As a professional social scientist and resident of the Town of Brome Lake, I would be happy to provide guidance to the town in designing surveys, as well as aid in collecting and analyzing the data. I have even offered my expertise, twice, to the mayor, who did not follow up on my offers. Shame.

Aimee Vieira, Ph.D., Iron Hill

Feeling let down

In December 2016, Ville de Lac-Brome posted a request for a minor derogation concerning an extension to a dock for five meters in order to accommodate 12 boats. Since the derogation concerned an already existing dock of 23 meters with 10 boats on Cedar Bay, it made the residents of Cedar Bay very concerned and worried about the intrusion this change would make on their quiet and peaceful life.

Immediately following this publication, the residents of Cedar Bay held a meeting with councillor Robert Laflamme, chairman of the CCU, to make him aware of all the reasons why they were opposed to the town granting this derogation. Laflamme stated that the residents of Cedar Bay were in a good position to negotiate some terms before the town passed the derogation. A representative of the residents of Cedar Bay presented their brief to the CCU opposing the derogation, but the brief was ignored, and a recommendation to pass the derogation was put forth.

The residents of Cedar Bay also had a meeting with the mayor to iron out some of their concerns.

They also sent a brief to their councillor, Karine Fortin, with their objections to the derogation, but received no answer or acknowledgement to their concerns. Then all the residents attended the city council meeting in March when the Cedar Bay issue was on the agenda. Karine Fortin, their councillor, was not present. The issue was tabled at the April meeting, so as to give all parties a chance to reach a compromise.

The residents also attended the April council meeting where the derogation was passed. Karine Fortin, once again, was not in attendance.

I understand a minor derogation is a small adjustment to a municipal law, or by-law, that will not cause either party any prejudice. When so many people are upset it is no longer small, and it is no longer without prejudice.

Bozana Taylor, Cedar Bay


Notre lac une poubelle?

Il est triste de constater que, malgré les efforts déployés par Renaissance lac Brome, la Ville de Lac-Brome et la majorité des citoyens pour améliorer la santé du lac, certains riverains prennent encore notre lac pour une poubelle.

Non satisfaits d’avoir utilisé le lac pour jeter leurs feuilles durant tout l’automne, certaines personnes l’utilisent maintenant pour se débarrasser de leur arbre de Noel?.

Que faut-il faire pour que ces citoyens comprennent le dommage qu’ils causent au lac et, en ce faisant, à toutes les personnes qui veulent en profiter maintenant et dans le futur? Que faire devant un si grand manque de civisme et un comportement si irrationnel?

Elizabeth Posada, Bondville

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