West Bolton Council Meeting: May 2017

By Lesley Richardson

The mayor, all councillors and 20 residents were present.

Questions – The municipality is looking into existing regulations to deal with properties that resemble scrap yards. The town engineer responded to complaints about the quality of work per- formed on road maintenance and potholes that the contracts for this year will contain more stringent conditions.

The lack of official representation of West Bolton at the recent meeting of Renaissance Lac Brome was noted. The Mayor explained that the municipality has focused on conducting tests of the waters running through the municipality into the Quilliams reserve. The tests provide evidence that water flowing from West Bolton is of good quality It was suggested that more tree planting should be undertaken to protect streams. The town engineer noted that septic tanks near the streams are now being tested.

Urbanism – The Municipal Inspector said a proposed change to the Urban Plan involved the inclusion of two cemeteries to comply with heritage regulations.

Administration – A public meeting will be held on June 7 to present a new plan related to construction and renovation. The AgriCollectif will present their deliberations at the end of sum- mer. Axion has sent a request to submit a proposal concerning internet services. The mayor reiterated that the whole of West Bolton would have to be covered.

Roads – The maintenance contract has been awarded and the driver is a woman with extensive experience in James Bay. Hopefully this will prepare her for local conditions.

Mt. Foster – The Mt Foster development continues as a source of discussion. A proposal had been sent to the developers in February, but no response had yet been received. The developer deposed a document that will be studied by Council before further discussion with the citizenry. Fallen and cut trees along Paramount and Spicer will be dealt with soon.

West Bolton Council – Next meeting: Wednesday June 7 at 7.30 p.m.